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Articulation Agreements
Welcome to the CQUniversity Articulations Search page. Here you can search for existing arrangements between CQUniversity and external education providers. Please use this page to determine if your current education institution has an agreement with CQUniversity.
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information |
PDCS - Pathway Diploma in Computer Science | CQ18 - Bachelor of Information Technology | Students who complete the Pathway Diploma in Computer Science with ITM Group of Institutions may receive the following exemptions into the CQ18 Bachelor of Information Technology with CQUniversity: HE Elective
PDCS - Pathway Diploma in Computer Science | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the Pathway Diploma in Computer Science with ITM Group of Institutions may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business with CQUniversity: HE Elective
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information |
ANUPDG - Diploma in Business Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the Diploma of Business Management with PATHE Global may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (HRM Major + Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ANUPDG - Diploma in Business Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the Diploma of Business Management with PATHE Global may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major + Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
N85T008 - Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology | CL10 - Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours) | Students who complete the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology with PATHE Global may receive the following exemptions into the CL10 Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science with CQUniversity: Note: Student applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Head of Course and the process will include an interview. Exempt
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information |
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CM38 - Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CM38 Graduate Certificate of Business Consultancy course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CM38 - Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CM38 Graduate Certificate of Business Consultancy course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CL97 - Master of Business Administration (Global) | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemptions into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CL20 - Master of Business Administration | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CL20 Master of Business Administration course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CL20 - Master of Business Administration | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemptions into CL20 Master of Business Administration course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CL97 - Master of Business Administration (Global) | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemptions into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CL97 - Master of Business Administration (Global) | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemptions into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) course with CQUniversity: HE Elective
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CL21 - Master of Business Management | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CL21 Master of Business Management course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CL21 - Master of Business Management | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CL21 Master of Business Management course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CL21 - Master of Business Management | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CL21 Master of Business Management course with CQUniversity. Note: Students who select the Leading Organisational Change Major will receive exemption toward MGMT20131 Leadership and Integrity instead of the Unspecified Elective Unit listed. HE Elective
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CC51 - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CC51 Graduate Certificate of Business Administration course (as a pathway into CL20 Master of Business Administration) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CC51 - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CC51 Graduate Certificate of Business Administration course (as a pathway into CL20 Master of Business Administration) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CC51 - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CC51 Graduate Certificate of Business Administration course (as a pathway into CL20 Master of Business Administration) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP1 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 1 | CH76 - Graduate Certificate in Management | Students who complete Level 1 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CH76 Graduate Certificate in Management course (as a pathway into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) OR CL21 Master of Business Management) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CH76 - Graduate Certificate in Management | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CH76 Graduate Certificate in Management course (as a pathway into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) OR CL21 Master of Business Management) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP3 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 3 | CH76 - Graduate Certificate in Management | Students who complete Level 3 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CH76 Graduate Certificate in Management course (as a pathway into CL97 Master of Business Administration (Global) OR CL21 Master of Business Management) with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CM38 - Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemption into CM38 Graduate Certificate of Business Consultancy course with CQUniversity: Exempt
LCP2 - Leadership Capability Program - Level 2 | CL20 - Master of Business Administration | Students who complete Level 2 of the Leadership Capability Program with the Queensland Police Service will receive the following exemptions into CL20 Master of Business Administration course with CQUniversity: Exempt
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information |
ADADMIT - Advanced Diploma in Administration and Information Technology | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Administration and Information Technology may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUS - Advanced Diploma in Business | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSACCT - Advanced Diploma in Business with Accounting | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Accounting may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSHRM - Advanced Diploma in Business with Human Resource Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Human Resource Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSHRM - Advanced Diploma in Business with Human Resource Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Human Resource Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSIT - Advanced Diploma in Business with Information Technology | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Information Technology may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSMRKT - Advanced Diploma in Business with Marketing | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Marketing may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSMRKT - Advanced Diploma in Business with Marketing | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Marketing may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Marketing Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADFS - Advanced Diploma in Financial Services | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Financial Services may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADGTB - Advanced Diploma in Global Trade and Business | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Global Trade and Business may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADBUSACCT - Advanced Diploma in Business with Accounting | CQ01 - Bachelor of Accounting | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Business with Accounting may receive the following exemptions into the CQ01 Bachelor of Accounting (Non-specialisation) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
GM5C 48 - Advanced Diploma of in Computing: Technical Support | CQ18 - Bachelor of Information Technology | Students who complete the GM5C 48 Advanced Diploma of in Computing: Technical Support may receive the following exemptions into the CQ18 Bachelor of Information Technology (Cyber Security Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
ADFS - Advanced Diploma in Financial Services | CQ01 - Bachelor of Accounting | Students who complete the SQA Advanced Diploma in Financial Services may receive the following exemptions into the CQ01 Bachelor of Accounting (Non-specialisation) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
GM5A 48 - Advanced Diploma in Computing: Software Development | CQ18 - Bachelor of Information Technology | Students who complete the SQA GM5A 48 Advanced Diploma in Computing: Software Development may receive the following exemptions into the CQ18 Bachelor of Information Technology (Application Development Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
GM59 48 - Advanced Diploma in Computing: Networking | CQ18 - Bachelor of Information Technology | Students who complete the SQA GM59 48 Advanced Diploma in Computing: Networking may receive the following exemptions into the CQ18 Bachelor of Information Technology (Cyber Security Major) with CQUniversity: HE Elective
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information |
CUA51020 - Diploma of Screen and Media | CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CUA51020 Diploma of Screen and Media may receive the following exemptions into the CC24 Bachelor of Digital Media with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51319 - Diploma of Work Health and Safety | CQ26 - Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety may receive the following exemptions into the CQ26 Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50815 - Diploma of International Business | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50815 Diploma of International Business may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Marketing Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50620 - Diploma of Marketing and Communication | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50620 Diploma of Marketing and Communication may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Marketing Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50420 - Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50215/51915 - Diploma of Business / Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50215/51915 Diploma of Business / Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50215 - Diploma of Business | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50215 Diploma of Business may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB61218 - Advanced Diploma of Program Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB61015 - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51415 - Diploma of Project Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB52415 - Diploma of Marketing and Communication | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Marketing Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB60915 - Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB60915 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Human Resources Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51915 - Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51615 - Diploma of Quality Auditing | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51918 - Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50820 - Diploma of Project Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC50113 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC14 - Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC14 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with CQUniversity.
AHC51116 - Diploma of Conservation and Land Management | CV85 - Bachelor of Agriculture | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation and Land Management may receive the following exemptions into CV85 Bachelor of Agriculture (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
AHC51120 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management | CV85 - Bachelor of Agriculture | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management may receive the following exemptions into CV85 Bachelor of Agriculture (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
AVI50519 - Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating) | CL09 - Bachelor of Aviation | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AVI50519 Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating) may receive the following exemptions into the CL09 Bachelor of Aviation with CQUniversity.
CUA51120 - Diploma of Visual Arts | CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CUA51120 Diploma of Visual Arts may receive the following exemptions into the CC24 Bachelor of Digital Media with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CUA51115 - Diploma of Visual Arts | CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CUA51115 Diploma of Visual Arts may receive the following exemptions into the CC24 Bachelor of Digital Media with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CUA50720 - Diploma of Graphic Design | CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CUA50720 Diploma of Graphic Design may receive the following exemptions into the CC24 Bachelor of Digital Media with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC50313 - Diploma of Child Youth and Family Intervention | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC52115 - Diploma of Community Services Development | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC52115 Diploma of Community Development may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC51015 - Diploma in Counselling | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling may receive five (5) exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB51315 - Diploma of Work Health and Safety | CQ26 - Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety may receive the following exemptions into the CQ26 Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC52015 - Diploma of Community Services | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC51015 - Diploma in Counselling | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC50313 - Diploma of Child Youth and Family Intervention | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC52115 - Diploma of Community Services Development | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC52115 Diploma of Community Development may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Major) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC62015 - Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Major) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC53215 - Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC53215 Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Major) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
CHC52015 - Diploma of Community Services | CC43 - Bachelor of Psychological Science | This credit precedent relates to an Articulation Agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services may receive the following exemptions into the CC43 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
BSB50215/51918 - Diploma of Business/Diploma of Leadership and Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete BSB50215/51918 Diploma of Business/Diploma of Leadership and Management may receive the following exemptions into the CL86 Bachelor of Business (Management Major and Liberal Studies Minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
AHC51120 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management | CU18 - Bachelor of Science and Environment | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management may receive the following exemptions into the CU18 Bachelor of Science (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
AHC51116 - Diploma of Conservation and Land Management | CU18 - Bachelor of Science and Environment | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation and Land Management may receive the following exemptions into the CU18 Bachelor of Science (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
HE Elective
HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing | CL91 - Bachelor of Nursing | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who have completed HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing in the last 7 years may receive the following exemptions into the CL91 Bachelor of Nursing with CQUniversity. Students must provide current AHPRA registration as an Enrolled Nurse - Division 2 to be eligible for this credit.
Diplomas older than 7 years are assessed on a case by case basis and students must provide a letter from their employer confirming they are currently employed and practicing as an Enrolled Nurse.
HLT54115 - Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled - Division 2 Nursing) | CL91 - Bachelor of Nursing | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who have completed HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing in the last 7 years may receive the following exemptions into the CL91 Bachelor of Nursing with CQUniversity. Students must provide current AHPRA registration as an Enrolled Nurse - Division 2 to be eligible for this credit.
Diplomas older than 7 years are assessed on a case by case basis and students must provide a letter from their employer confirming they are currently employed and practicing as an Enrolled Nurse.
CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC14 - Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC14 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with CQUniversity.
CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC13 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC13 Bachelor of Education (Secondary) with CQUniversity.
CHC50113 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC13 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC13 Bachelor of Education (Secondary) with CQUniversity.
CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC12 - Bachelor of Education (Primary) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC12 Bachelor of Education (Primary) with CQUniversity.
CHC50113 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | CC12 - Bachelor of Education (Primary) | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may receive the following exemptions into the CC12 Bachelor of Education (Primary) with CQUniversity.
AHC51120 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management | CA42 - Bachelor of Environmental Science | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management may receive the following exemptions into CA42 Bachelor of Environmental Science (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
Note: CQUniversity unit BOTN19001 Australian Botany is included in the Integrated Land and Water Management Major. Students who select the Environmental Geography Major may choose to credit BOTN19001 in lieu of an Unspecified Elective or forfeit the credit.
HE Elective
AHC51116 - Diploma of Conservation and Land Management | CA42 - Bachelor of Environmental Science | This credit precedent relates to an articulation agreement between CQUniversity and TAFE Queensland, including all of the following TAFE Queensland Networks:
This arrangement permits Direct Entry. Direct Entry to the University does not guarantee entry to a course. Applicants must meet all current Entry Requirements as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook for the term of study they are wishing to enter into.
Students who complete AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation and Land Management may receive the following exemptions into CA42 Bachelor of Environmental Science (Liberal Studies minor) with CQUniversity.
Note: CQUniversity unit BOTN19001 Australian Botany is included in the Integrated Land and Water Management Major. Students who select the Environmental Geography Major may choose to credit BOTN19001 in lieu of an Unspecified Elective or forfeit the credit.
HE Elective
Course Specific Credit
External Course | CQUniversity Course | Credit Precedent Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MMGMT - Master of Manajemen | CL84 - Master of Business Administration (International) | The following Table provides a summary of the proposed credit transfer arrangement that is incorporated into the dual degree Master of Manajemen - Master of Business Administration (International) offered by CQUniversity and Bakrie University in Indonesia (www.bakrie.ac.id/en).
Students would receive credit for up to four (4) units toward CQUniversity's CL84 Master of Business Administration (International) on the basis of units they complete as part of Bakrie University's Master of Manajemen. The following 4 units of the CL84 Master of Business Administration (International) will be credited if the conditions as outlined below are met.
Additional Articulation Information: Credit will not be able to be applied towards the four units until students complete Study Period 1 at Bakrie University. The four units can be applied towards the students record after successful completion of Study Period 1 at Bakrie.
The proposed study schedule is:
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B S Mgmt - Bachelor of Sarjana Management | CL86 - Bachelor of Business | The following Table provides a summary of the proposed credit transfer arrangement that is incorporated into the dual degree in Business and Sarjana Management offered by CQUniversity and Bakrie University in Indonesia (www.bakrie.ac.id/en). Students would receive credit for a combination of 1st year and elective units of CQUniversity's Bachelor of Business on the basis of units they complete in their first year of Bakrie University's Sarjana Management. The following 8 units of the Bachelor of Business will be credited if the conditions as outlined below are met.
Additional Articulation Information: The proposed study schedule is:
HE Elective
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B Com Sci - Bachelor of Computer Science | CC24 - Bachelor of Digital Media | The following Table provides a summary of the proposed credit transfer arrangement that is incorporated into the dual degree in Digital Media and Computer Science offered by CQUniversity and Bakrie University in Indonesia (www.bakrie.ac.id/en). Students would receive credit for the third year of CQUniversity's Bachelor of Digital Media on the basis of units they complete in Bakrie University's Bachelor of Computer Science. The following 8 units in the third year of the Bachelor of Digital Media will be credited if the conditions as outlined below are met.
Additional Articulation Information: Credit will not be able to be applied towards the four core units until students complete their 4th year at Bakrie University. The four elective units can be applied towards the students record after successful completion of their first year at Bakrie. The proposed study schedule is:
HE Elective
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B Comms Sci - Bachelor of Communication Science | CA10 - Bachelor of Arts | The following Table provides a summary of the proposed credit transfer arrangement that is incorporated into the dual degree in Arts (Public Relations) and Communication Science offered by CQUniversity and Bakrie University in Indonesia (www.bakrie.ac.id/en). Students would receive credit for up to eight (8) units toward CQUniversity's Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) on the basis of units they complete as part of Bakrie University's Communication Science. The following 8 units of the Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) will be credited if the conditions as outlined below are met.
Additional Articulation Information: Credit will not be able to be applied towards the four advanced level units until students complete their 4th year at Bakrie University. The four block credit units can be applied towards the students record after successful completion of their first year at Bakrie. The proposed study schedule is:
HE Elective
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B Comms Sci - Bachelor of Communication Science | CA10 - Bachelor of Arts | The following Table provides a summary of the proposed credit transfer arrangement that is incorporated into the dual degree in Arts (Public Relations) and Communication Science offered by CQUniversity and Bakrie University in Indonesia (www.bakrie.ac.id/en). Students would receive credit for up to thirteen (13) units toward CQUniversity's Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations, Journalism and Digital Storytelling) on the basis of units they complete as part of Bakrie University's Communication Science. The following 13 units of the Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations, Journalism and Digital Storytelling) will be credited if the conditions as outlined below are met.
Additional Articulation Information: Credit will not be able to be applied towards advanced level units until students complete their 4th year at Bakrie University. The four block credit units can be applied towards the students record after successful completion of their first year at Bakrie. The proposed study schedule is:
HE Elective